A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 1715

Chapter 1715


Surprisingly, Mark’s eyes turned red when he heard this.

“But I can’t live without you,” he whispered.

Cecilia smiled and shook her head.

“What’s the point of saying these things? It doesn’t matter anymore.

None of it does,” she told him.

When a woman began to act magnanimously, it was a clear sign that she didn’t care about anything anymore.

Cecilia even added in a soft tone, “I heard you took that child to Duefron. Make sure you take good care of her. She doesn’t have anyone else around. Her case is so pitiful.”

Mark’s face darkened when she said this.

“What about you? What about Edwin?” he asked.

Cecilia didn’t answer this question. Instead, she looked at her watch and said, “I only have a two-hour break at noon. Take me back to the filming location, please.”


But Mark hadn’t finished talking with her yet.

And he didn’t want her to Leave.

But he was a grown-up man and he had to act maturely. He knew Cecilia had a job. It would be childish for him to keep her from going.

She might even hate him more if he did.

As they left the place, Cecilia stayed in front while Mark followed behind.

When she held the doorknob and was about to open the door, Mark couldn’t help but hug her from behind, but he didn’t dare to hug her too tight.

Cecilia was shocked.

Her first instinct was to struggle, but a woman’s strength could not be compared to a man’s.

As Mark hugged her, he brought his face close to hers and murmured, “Cecilia, forgive me, okay? I kept that child in the villa. I won’t visit her very often. Let’s just pick another date. What about autumn?

Let’s have the wedding in autumn.

My mom hasn’t talked to me for days.

She misses you so much.”

Cecilia was sad to hear this.

She missed Zoey too.

